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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Sekerlik die grootste hoogtepunt tot dusver in the geskiedenis van die NG Kerk Rustenburg Moedergemeente vind aanstaande jaar van 24 tot 26 Januarie plaas wanneer die gemeente se 175ste bestaansjaar gevier word. 
Rustenburgers is reeds vroeër genooi om oor die afgelope en komende klompie weke saam met die gemeente te reis op die pad na dié geskiedkundige gebeurtenis.

Read more …Reis saam met NG Rustenburg Moedergemeente

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - December is that time of year when people dig out their Christmas trees to put them up and to decorate them with colourful lights. Usually, children the world over cannot wait to open their presents around the tree. 
Christmas is a time of togetherness and sharing in the true spirit of our Saviour. This is what Christmas is all about. We give gifts to others and we also receive gifts. We all have smiles on our faces, because it is the season for giving. When we see the colourful lights outside people’s homes, we feel the happiness in our hearts.

Read more …Wildevy Centre’s Big Red Postbox drive in full swing

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die wag is amper verby! Vanaf 1 Desember word NG Proteapark oorstroom met lig, vreugde en inspirasie om ‘n verskil te maak in die gemeenskap, want die Liggies vir Lewe-Fees begin! Hierdie jaar beloof om helderder te skyn as ooit tevore, met 'n ongelooflike reeks vertonings deur bekende kunstenaars, heerlike kosstalletjies en unieke kunsvlytprodukte – alles in die opwinding van die feesseisoen. In die kollig van hierdie jaar se fees is geliefde kunstenaars soos Riana Nel, "Heuning", en "Ons".

Read more …Liggies vir Lewe-Fees om die draai

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG/SWARTRUGGENS - With the festive season right around the corner, the “criminal season”, unfortunately, has also arrived.
An increase in spiking (as well as other items to obstruct motorist’s way on roads) has been reported in the last few days. One of these incidents took place on Friday, 15 November at approximately 20:05 on the N4 Platinum Highway. 

Read more …Drivers - be on the alert

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Een van die grootste mylpale in die reisplan van enige individu, ondernemings of plaaslike instansies word in Januarie 2025 gevier wanneer die NG Rustenburg Moedergemeente sy 175ste bestaansjaar herdenk. 
Rustenburgers en trouens, alle NG-lidmate of ander belangstellendes, word genooi om saam met die gemeente te reis op die pad na sy feesvieringe van 24 tot 26 Januarie aanstaande jaar. Almal word natuurlik genooi om hierdie luisterryke geleentheid prominent in hul dagboeke aan te teken en die feesvieringe te ondersteun - meer besonderhede hieroor sal binnekort aangekondig word. 

Read more …Reis saam met NG Kerk Rustenburg op pad na 175 jaar

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Three Star Cash & Carry’s annual Stokvel event took place on Saturday, 9 November at the Impala Sports Complex. 
With this year’s Stokvel in its 16th year of existence, the entire sports field was abuzz with thousands of customers milling around the Coca Cola stage, eagerly waiting on their chance to grab one of the lucky draw prizes. The prizes were donated by Three Star Cash & Carry and their suppliers - to the value of R100 000. 

Read more …A Stokvel party like no other!

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - In a shared commitment to uplift and improve the wellbeing of local communities, Cancervive, the Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN), Impala Rustenburg and the Rustenburg Department of Health recently collaborated to bring cancer awareness to local communities. 
This impactful partnership conducted a roadshow and awareness drive, which reached nine locations and delivered vital education and life-saving information about cancer to more than 6 000 people.

Read more …Cancer awareness in the spotlight

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, welcomed two sentences handed down this week after thorough investigations done by two Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit investigators.
In the first case, reported on Thursday, 19 September 2019 in Tlhabane, a 10-year-old girl, wrote a note that was found by her aunt in between her school books.

Read more …Convictions secured in two local rape cases

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - AfriForum-buurtwagte in Marico het op 18 Oktober aan die organisasie se tweede nasionale patrollie vir die jaar deelgeneem waartydens 200 AfriForum-patrolleerders in 148 voertuie die paaie van dié streek gepatrolleer het. 
Verder het 86 deelnemers van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD), gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums (GPF), sekuriteitsmaatskappye en nooddienste die patrollie ondersteun. Die volgende dorpe se AfriForum-buurtwagte het aan hierdie gesamentlike poging deelgeneem:

Read more …Marico-streek beveilig tydens nasionale patrollie

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Yarona Rustenburg Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) is excited to announce the launch of two new bus routes, C01 and C02, connecting Rustenburg commuters to Waterfall Mall.
 These routes will officially begin operating on 28 October 2024, offering residents a more convenient and reliable public transport option to one of the city’s busiest commercial hubs. The new C01 and C02 routes are part of Yarona Rustenburg’s commitment to improving mobility within Rustenburg by providing safe, affordable, and accessible transport options for all. The C01 route will serve commuters from Waterfall East, Orbit College, and surrounding neighbourhoods, while the C02 route will connect colleges, schools, and key landmarks to Waterfall Mall.

Read more …Yarona Rustenburg to launch new routes to Waterfall Mall

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Rustenburgers word herinner aan die Rustenburg Boeremark wat eerskomende, Saterdag, 28 Oktober, by die Rustenburgse Skougronde aangebied word. 
Die Rustenburg Boeremark is ‘n heerlike geleentheid vir almal wat van groot- of kleinskaalse boerdery, tuisgemaakte produkte en handgemaakte artikels hou. Besoekers kan kus en keur tussen allerlei stalletjies wat letterlik alles van vars groente, gebottelde lekkernye soos konfyt, blatjang, ingemaakte kos en slaaie, biltong, vleishappies en ‘n wye verskeidenheid handgemaakte kuns en klere, houtspeelgoed en -artikels tot gebreide babaspeelgoed wat aangebied word.

Read more …Spesiale veiling by Rustenburg Boeremark