New CPF Executive Committee of Brits Police station
The new committee members that were elected on Monday, 9 September are: Bojanala Sub District 1 CPF members: Mr Sibasa (Chairperson), Mr Mokgatlhe (Deputy Chairperson), Ms Sereme (Secretary), Ms Setlhafuno ((Treasurer), Mr Moche (Additional member) and Ms Mahlangu (Additional member).
OPERATION SHANELA - Answers regarding illegal immigrants
BRITS POS – BRITS – From 22 July to 1 September 5 300 suspects were arrested during Operation Shanela in North West for numerous crimes and 671 of these were suspected illegal immigrants.
Brits Pos asked Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone, SAPS North West spokesperson what happens to these illegal immigrants.
“If they are suspects in crime, then they have to face the full might of the law.
Police arrest homeowner and accomplices for illegal mining
BRITS POS - BRITS - A 65-year-old home owner and nine accomplices appeared before the Rustenburg Magistrates Court on Monday, 9 September, for illegal mining, tampering with and/or damaging of essential infrastructure and possession of suspected stolen goods.
They are known as Zama zamas – they are illegal artisanal miners in South Africa who occupy closed or operational mines to mine for minerals such as gold, iron ore, coal, and manganese.