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BRITS POS – BRITS – Die 37-jarige Morufa Moloto, waarnemende munisipale bestuurder van Madibeng plaaslike munisipaliteit en Letladi Emmanuel Ramoroka (39) is Vrydag deur die Valke in Brits, by die Madibeng-stadsraadkantoor in hegtenis geneem.
Hulle het Maandag, 22 Julie, in die Ganyesa-landdroshof, op aanklag van tenderkorrupsie verskyn en borgtog van R15 000 elk is deur die hof toegestaan terwyl die ondersoek voortgaan.

Read more …Valke neem Madibeng se waarnemende munisipale bestuurder in hegtenis

BRITS POS – DAMONSVILLE – A case of murder was registered at Brits police station confirmed SAPS spokesperson Constable Ben Moabi.
On Monday evening, 22 July 2024 Mr Thabiso Ngwenya was shot outside a tavern in Damonsville and he then ran into the tavern for shelter, but the suspects followed him and several shots were fired at the victim inside the tavern.
The victim was declared deceased on the scene. 

Read more …Man dies in hail of bullets in Damonsville

BRITS POS – JERICHO - Mandela’s Spirit of servanthood and making a difference in the community inspire football teams in Jericho Four Masters football and teams gathered at Charles Mamogale Primary School in Jericho, Brits on Saturday, 20 July, to donate sanitary towels and other goodies to the school as part of the commemoration of Nelson Mandela Month and Mandela Day.

Read more …Master Football Clubs inspire

BRITS POS – BRITS – In seven days, police working together with other role players, apprehended 658 offenders for numerous offences such as dealing in drugs, business robbery, murder, attempted murder, rape, sexual assault, assaults, fraud, burglary business and residential. 

Of these arrests, 363 were conducted by detectives during suspect raiding operations. Shocking is that another 50 suspected undocumented persons were taken in for processing by Immigration Officials.

Read more …Transgressors of law brought to book

BRITS POS – MOOINOOI - In Mooinooi, southwest of Brits, a crime intelligence driven operation resulted in the arrest of a 43-year-old suspect on Friday, 12 July after the Brits Trio Task team operationalised intelligence.
According to Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone, SAPS North West spokesperson, the team went to an identified address in Soshanguve section in Majakaneng village where they found the alleged suspect who informed the police that he sold a firearm. That prompted the members to proceed to a mine hostel where the suspect was arrested after retrieving a firearm and two live rounds of ammunition.

Read more …Police crackdown on suspect

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