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BRITS POS – BRITS - ‘n Saak van moord is Sondag, 13 Oktober 2024 by Brits SAPD geregistreer.
SAPS Brits het inligting ontvang dat die liggaam van ‘n vrou op ‘n plaas by Rashoop gevind is. Die man van die oorledene, Johan Smith (55), ‘n onderwyser by ‘n plaaslike skool, was op daardie tydstip by die Brits polisiestasie om sy vrou, Theonette (57) as vermis aan te meld. Volgens Smith het sy vrou die vorige dag vermis geraak, na hulle ‘n hewige argument gehad het.

Read more …Onderwyser vermoor klaarblyklik sy eie vrou!

BRITS POS – HARTBEESPOORT - The Department of Water and Sanitation will establish a structure comprising of all stakeholders to address issues over the use of the state-owned land, promote inclusive economic growth and advance a healthy ecosystem of the water resource at the Hartbeespoort Dam.
This follows a stakeholder engagement meeting led by Deputy Minister David Mahlobo at the Department’s offices at Hartbeespoort Dam on Monday, 14 October 2024.  

Read more …HBP DAM STATE-OWNED LAND - Deputy minister Mahlobo addresses conflict situation with all...

BRITS POS – NOORDWES - Polisielede in Noordwes, in samewerking met ander wetstoepassingsagentskappe het van 7 tot 13 Oktober 1 258 verdagtes in hegtenis geneem vir verskillende oortredings tydens die uitvoering van Operasie Shanela-aksies. 
“Die verdagtes is vir moord, verkragting, poging tot moord, aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, handel in dwelms, onwettige handel in drank, besit van dwelms, inbrake by sake- en woonpersele en bestuur onder die invloed van alkohol aangekeer,” sê brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone, SAPD Noordwes-woordvoerder.

Read more …OPERASIE SHANELA Meer as 1 200 verdagtes in hegtenis geneem

BRITS POS – BRITS - South Africa is witnessing a concerning surge in hijackings targeting ride-hailing drivers and food and parcel delivery services.
Criminal syndicates are increasingly using these sectors as easy targets, driven by a boom in e-commerce and the high demand for fast deliveries.
What’s more disturbing is that many of these hijackings are premeditated, with criminals luring their victims by ordering rides or deliveries only to ambush them when they arrive.

Read more …65 REPORTED HIJACKING INCIDENTS PER DAY Hijackers coming after these two targets in South Africa

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