Giulia le Roux is die baie bekende Nataniël se peetdogter. Sy woon saam met haar ouers, sussies, twee honde en ‘n kat in die pragtige Franse stad, Nantes. Giulia mag dalk nog net nege jaar oud wees, maar dié verbeeldingryke meisiekind is ’n belowende jong skrywer met ’n passie vir stories vertel. Haar liefde vir lees het reeds op slegs sewe-en-’n-half-jarige ouderdom aangespoor om haar eerste boek te skryf. Sy put inspirasie op beide haar Suid-Afrikaanse en Franse agtergrond en spandeer ure in rolspel en om haar verbeeldingryke idees neer te skryf.
Minder as Water is veel meer as net nog ‘n storie
Dis ‘n storie wat jou kort-kort laat vra of jy nou hier moet lag – en of sou ‘n traan of twee dalk meer van pas wees? Want Morné Malan smokkel met jou kop. Van sy karakters kul jou met hul woorde wat lig klink, maar jou vinnig laat besef daar is veel meer om die lyf as op die oog af.
Minder as water is die verhaal van die die plekkie Bitterwater. Na die regering besluit om ’n nuwe dam in die omgewing te bou, moet hierdie vergete gehuggie met sy vergete mense ontruim word voor die waters kom. Wanneer die bejaarde sendelingdominee op ’n dag poedelkaal en gewapen met ’n stokou Mauser en ‘n Bybel tussen die dorpsmense invaar, word Konstabel Cheslin Fielies, vars oorgeplaas van die Cape Flats, betrek by die eindtye van Bitterwater.
This gifted horse could feed you for months
BONUS – RUSTENBURG - Only three more months before amateur artists who have entered Rustenburg Herald and NW Bonus’ Blank Space Art competition will know who the winners are of two extremely valuable prizes in the competition.
The Grand Finale of the competition will be taking place in early December this year - well in time for Christmas! The competition sports two cash prizes of R 1 000 each for two quarterly winners and in the Grand Finale at the end of the year two Pick n Pay shopping vouchers to the value of R10 000 each will be up for grabs.
Nkhasi and Desta set new Absa Run Your City Joburg 10K Course Records
BONUS – RUSTENBURG - Lesotho’s Namakoe Nkhasi and Ethiopia’s Debash Desta emerged triumphant at the 2023 Absa Run Your City Joburg 10K and in the process obliterated the previous course records when they crossed the finish line at the Mary Fitzgerald Square, Newtown (Johannesburg) on Sunday 24 September (National Heritage Day) in 29 minutes 07 seconds and 33 minutes 03 seconds respectively.
Nkhasi, a previous winner here in 2016, took 35 seconds off the previous course record set by South Africa’s Nicholas Seoposengwe (29:42) in 2022, while Desta’s 33:03 is 47 seconds quicker than the previous course record of 33:50 that was set by Emmaculate Achol (Kenya) in 2022.
Biggest ever Spar Netball Championship gets underway in Rustenburg
BONUS – RUSTENBURG - More than a hundred teams will take part in the 2023 Spar National Netball Championships which start at Hoërskool Rustenburg today (Monday).
This is the biggest netball tournament ever in South Africa and Netball South Africa (NSA) President Cecilia Molokwane says this is proof that netball is growing every year. Fifty-two under-21 teams and fifty-nine senior teams will be fighting it out for top honours. Johannesburg are the defending champions, and coach Elsje Jordaan said she was very excited about the prospect of defending the title. “A few of our Spar Proteas players, including our captain Bongi Msomi, are missing the championships because they are on international duty.