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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Glencore Ferroalloys, Wonderkop Smelter, has announced a significant donation to the Residentia Sering, an old age home based in Rustenburg, as they aim to provide essential electricity supply to the elderly as well as a frail care unit. 
The initiative assists in ensuring the old age home has uninterrupted access to electricity, particularly for vital medical equipment such as oxygen machines.

Read more …Glencore Ferroalloys’ Wonderkop Smelter brings solar power to Residentia Sering’s elderly...

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Wye reaksie is van motoriste en gebruikers van die Bakwena N1N4 ontvang nadat 'n verrassende aantal veiligheidsgroepies op sosiale media-platforms sedert die middel van verlede week geskep is. Hierdie stap volg op maande indien nie jare nie, se kommer oor die verslegtende veiligheidstoestande op die Bakwena N1N4 maar veral die berugte trajek tussen die Doornpoortplaza in die ooste en Rustenburg in die weste. 

Read more …Bakwena N1N4-veiligheidsgroepies floreer eensklaps op sosiale media - 11 verdagtes agter “spiking”...

RUSTENBURG HERALD - THEKWANE - Community safety is an ever-growing concern, especially in the more rural areas of provinces, and as such, Thekwane Community Policing Forum (CPF) was recently established at Tlhage Primary School. The inaugural meeting was to establish the executive members of the forum, which included members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), supported by Kgosana Goitsimang Petlele. 

Read more …Community and SAPS take hands

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Bafokeng Regional Court in Tlhabane sentenced Tshepo Tshwagong, 31, to three life terms on Wednesday, 8 May 2024. Tshwagong’ sentencing follows his arrest and subsequent linkage with three cases of rape committed between February 2018 and November 2020 in Phokeng and Boitekong.
According to reports, the accused dragged a 29-year-old woman into the bushes, then strangled and raped her on Wednesday evening, 7 February 2018, at Rafreddy Section.

Read more …Serial rapist sentenced to three life sentences

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The inner city was engulfed in flames this past weekend when a fire broke out in the areas of Klopper and Leyds Streets. 
According to reports on local community WhatsApp groups, a number of stores were ablaze on Saturday, 4 May, and onlookers were quickly drawn to the scene to get a firsthand look at the flames and smoke.

Read more …Fire ravages inner city

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - In 'n gru-aanval wat baie anders kon verloop het, het die van der Merwe-gesin van Krugerstraat, in die vroeë Dinsdagoggendure (omstreeks 03:00) twee booswigte gewys watter murg in hul pype lê.
Die gesin het slegs 'n week gelede terug verhuis dorp toe, nadat hul onlangs ook 'n aanval op hul plaas by Lindleyspoort deurleef het. Die huiseienaars, Sienie en haar man Hennie, het wakker geword van 'n groot geskarrel en geskree in die huis, nadat hul seun, Henneman van der Merwe en dogter, Charné van der Merwe, 'n inbreker op heterdaad in Charné se kamer betrap het.

Read more …Gesin baklei hand en tand teen aanvallers

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death and hospitalisation worldwide - rural hospitals are not spared from this crisis.
 Due to the over reliance of rural provinces on Academic Hospitals in Gauteng province, the waiting period for open heart surgery has increased significantly - in some cases patients have to wait up to six months.

Read more …Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital (JSTH) Cardiology at the forefront of universal healthcare access

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die provinsiale kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie in Noordwes, lt-gen Sello Kwena, het die arrestasie van twee verdagtes verwelkom wat in verband met die moord op ‘n polisiekonstablel van Rustenburg aangekeer is. 
Kontabel Mogoro Clement Makola (31) is verlede Maandagaand (15 April) in die Lekgalong-nedersetting naby Marikana net buite Rustenburg doodgeskiet.Die verdagtes, onderskeidelik 40 en 41 jaar oud, is verlede Vrydag, (26 April) in Ramochana buite Rustenburg in ‘n gesamentlike polisie-operasie deur ‘n Brits trio taakspan, en Marikana Sigbare Polisiëring aangekeer.

Read more …Polisiekonstabel se moordenaars aangekeer

RUSTENBURG HERALD - POTSANENG - Die polisie in Rustenburg het ‘n uitgebreide soektog geloods ná die moord op ‘n 54-jarige raadslid van die Rustenburgse Munisipaliteit.
Die ANC-raadslid, Poppy Morapedi, is verlede Vrydagaand voor haar huis in die Photsaneng-nedersetting net buite Rustenburg doodgeskiet nadat sy en ‘n familielid ‘n paar stuks kruideniers by ‘n winkel naby die huis gekoop het en onderweg huis toe was.

Read more …Nog ‘n raadslid van RLM voor haar huis doodgeskiet