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Op die vooraand van ons susterskoerant, Rustenburg Herald, se 100ste bestaansjaarvieringe wat eerskomende naweek gevier word, is dit met leedwese dat Noordwes Koerante bekend maak dat PJ (Pieter) Theron - vir dekades lank die vader van Rustenburg Herald, uitgewerspionier en raakvat-sakeman - Maandagoggend oorlede is. Hy was 94 jaar oud. Hy was regstreeks verantwoordelik vir die stigting en uitbreiding van die Noordwes Koerantgroep van ‘n beskeie plattelandse gemeenskapskoerant (Rustenburg Herald - 1924 tot 2024) tot ‘n volwaardige mediagroep in Noordwes en Noordkaap met 11 publikasies. Die Theron-familie bedank alle Rustenburgers, familie, vriende en kennisse vir hul blyke van simpatie en boodskappe van bemoediging. ‘n Gedenkdiens word Vrydag 18 Oktober, om 10:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Faerie Glen in Glenwoodweg 429, Faerie Glen, Pretoria gehou. Die diens sal regstreeks gebeeldsend word. Kliek op - REDAKTEUR.


Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The City of Matlosana has been stripped of its executive powers by the North West Provincial Treasury.

This is part of a mandatory provincial intervention after the city’s financial recovery plan failed dismally. 

The removal of the former mayor as well as the suspension of the MM and CFO were also not conducive in getting the municipality out of trouble.



Read more …City stripped of executive powers

Deur Danie Jacobs

Klerksdorp Rekord, Stilfontein - Die polisie ondersoek ‘n moord nadat ‘n oudpolisieman in die hospitaal dood is weens beserings nadat hy glo deur ‘n familielid aangerand is.

Hugo Lambrechts se seun, André, het aan Klerksdorp Rekord gesê sy pa is doodgeslaan. Kol Adele Myburgh, polisiewoordvoerder, het bevestig dat ‘n moordsaak ondersoek word. Lambrechts (53) is op 15 September met ernstige breinbeserings in die Life Anncron Hospitaal opgeneem. Daar was glo ‘n bakleiery by sy huis in Rietstraat met ‘n familielid.




Read more …Seun het baie vrae oor oudpolisieman se dood

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - A firearm that was stolen in Wilkoppies 25 years ago, was recovered during a stop and search operation in Klerksdorp CBD.

Members of the National Intervention Unit (NIU) were on routine patrol when they noticed a suspicious red Mazda with two occupants in OR Tambo Street the afternoon of September 21. Col Adele Myburgh said they approached the vehicle and noticed the passenger fiddling under his seat. 


Read more …Wanted gangster arrested in CBD

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The South African Police Service has embarked on a recruitment drive to re-enlist former police officers who left the service in good standing.  

This initiative is the organisations strategy to boost its detective capacity. In the 2023/2024 financial year, SAPS re-enlisted more than 200 former police officers who are now serving as detectives. This year SAPS are doing it again.


Read more …Police ask former officers back

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