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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The Matlosana Municipality continued its ‘’clean-up campaign’’ this week in Stilfontein with a surprise visit to the Civic Center shopping complex.

The team comprising of government officials and police officers discovered that a majority of businesses in the centre are operating without business certificates from relevant authorities. 

Health Inspectors discovered that the products packaged in various stores were not barcoded and that the majority of these businesses are selling expired products to the public. These non-compliant products were immediately confiscated and destroyed. 

Read more …City finds Stilfontein Civic a mess

‘n Brand wat Maandagmiddag 22 Julie in Klerksdorp uitgebreek het, het gevaarlik naby aan huise en besighede in Chris Hanistraat gekom. Motorafdakke by die New Bridge kampus (voorheen Centurion) het in die slag gebly en skoolkinders van die Methodist School was in trane oor die digte rook en vlamme aan hul grens. Matlosana Brandweer het gespook om die brand op die kleinhoewes te blus weens ‘n lastige wind en het hulp ingeroep van buurtwagte wat hul bygestaan het met hul brandbestryders. Geen noemenswaardige skade is aangerig deur die vlamme nie.


Klerksdorp Record, Alabama - People living in the Kosh Area called for more random police visits to local high schools after a search and seizure at Alabama Secondary School last week.

During the search on Wednesday July 17, the police confiscated numerous dangerous items, including knives and pangas. Some alcohol, vapes, cigarettes and weed were also found on the learners and confiscated. 



Read more …Weapons, weed taken from pupils

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