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RUSTENBURG HERALD - KGETLENGRIVIER - The DA will submit a letter to the office of the speaker, Ms. Mamikie Molefe, demanding reasons for her failure to timeously hold a special Council sitting to discuss allegations of fraud and corruption against the Municipal Manager of the Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality - Mr Clement Letswalo.
 According to reports, Mr Letswalo misappropriated R20 million in unauthorised expenditure towards litigation cases.

Read more …Kgetlengrivier MM misappropriates R20 million meant for service delivery

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Rustenburg Community Police Forum (Sector 2) and its partners in policing invite all current and prospective members as well as all members of the SAPS, the Directorate Public Safety and all crime combating entities to a combined Mass Patrol starting at 18:00 on Friday, 20 September, to continue until late on Saturday, 21 September.

The project will be operating from the regular venue - corner of Bult and Kruger Streets Rustenburg - throughout the weekend and will be closed with a community braai with lots of lucky draws and special prize give-aways on Saturday evening. 

Read more …All hands on deck for Mass Patrol this weekend

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - “Ek is nie kwaad nie. Liewers ek as iemand anders.” Ten spyte van tweedegraadse brandwonde, sê Dandré Graham sou hy niks verander aan die gebeure van Sondagaand toe hy en sy pa, Barend, saam met die Rustenburgse gemeenskap, ‘n verwoestende brand wat deur die Magaliesberge gewoed het, help bestry het. 
Vanuit sy bed in Life Peglerae Hospitaal vorm die Graham-gesin ‘n beskermde laer rondom Dandré (15), wat reeds Maandagmiddag in die teater deurgebring het om die wonde aan sy gesig, beide arms en linkerheup skoon te maak. Hy is geskeduleer vir ‘n tweede sessie in die teater op Donderdag, 19 September.

Read more …Braafheid en moedigheid met nadraai van vlammehel

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - A 27-year-old man was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for a spate of burglaries he committed in uptown Rustenburg beween 2019 and 2022. 
Thabang Pogiso Tshidiso Modise appeared in the Rustenburg Regional Court on Friday, 30 August 2024 when he was sentenced. 

Modise, currently serving two years for escaping from lawful custody earlier this year, was further sentenced to four years imprisonment

Read more …Long sought burglar sentenced to 12 years behind bars

RUSTENBURG HERALD - MAHIKENG - Member of the Executive Committee (MEC) Wessels Morweng briefed the media on Tuesday morning, 10 September before the release of the first quarter crime statistics, reported at all 85 police stations in the province. 
The statistics are for the first quarter of the current financial year, from April to June 2024. "We have previously emphasised our plans on reducing the levels of crime. It is worth repeating that criminals have no space in society and must be dealt with harshly as they show no mercy when engaging in their heinous acts," stated Morweng.

Read more …Rustenburg crime on the increase

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Terwyl Rustenburgers Saterdagmiddag op die punt was om die vreugdevure aan te steek met die Springbokke se geskiedkundige rugby-oorwinning oor die All Blacks het 'n dramatiese vlammehel hom in Cuckoolaan, Safarituine afgespeel toe 'n 51-jarige vroulike polisiekaptein verbonde aan die SAPD, se huis waarin sy reeds 11 jaar woon, grotendeels afgebrand het terwyl sy en 'n vriendin by 'n gewilde kuierplek na die rugby op tv gaan kyk het. 

Read more …Vreugdevure vir Bokke word vlammehel vir polisiekaptein

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Residents of a certain extension in the vicinity of Kruger and Zand Streets in town have recently complained to Rustenburg Herald at the lack of “action” by DA Ward Councillors after a petition to intervene and to put up more stop signs (a four-way crossing instead of two-way crossing on the corner of Kruger and Zand Street) was apparently “ignored”. 
Rustenburg Herald spoke to Cllr Gert du Plessis (Ward Councillor for Ward 14) about the background of the crossing in question and what the procedures around special requests on road infrastructure entails. 

Read more …A signed petition not necessarily the end of your worries - please follow procedures

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality (BPDM) Council took a resolution to dismiss its former Municipal Manager, Mr Letlhogonolo Fourie, with immediate effect during an ordinary meeting held on 30 August 2024. The dismissal comes after the municipality instituted disciplinary proceedings against Fourie following allegations of misconduct relating to payment of service providers implicated in the forensic investigations of R134 million that was erroneously transferred to the municipality in 2019.

Read more …Municipal Manager dismissed

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - A wave of crime that has been ongoing for a period of approximately six months, has hit local pre-schools, soft targets for brazen criminal activity.
In what could initially be deemed as occurrences of “petty”’ theft, because of the nature of the items taken, the criminals have opted to resort to using knives as a means to scare victims into complying with their demands of handing over personal items on the spot, thus causing these crimes to become more aggressive and intimidating in nature.  In an absolutely blatant show of disregard of the law, the perpetrators attack in bright daylight on the street, or break in in the early hours, through ceilings and over walls, not being deterred by Closed Circuit Television cameras (CCTV) and other forms of security. 

Read more …Crime wave hits local pre-schools

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - On Wednesday, 21 August, the Rustenburg Regional Court sentenced a 36-year-old Rodrigo Chambuze to life imprisonment for raping his stepdaughter, then aged 14, at Seraleng in the early hours of Christmas day in 2022.
It is alleged that on that fateful night, both parents and the victim had just returned from a night out and decided to sleep in the living room while the minor proceeded to her bedroom. While the mother was sleeping, the half-naked Chambule woke up and entered the victim’s room and subsequently raped her. In the morning, the mother noticed strange behaviour from the child, and the victim confessed everything to her.

Read more …Stepfather jailed for life after rape of stepdaughter

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Persons who intend to withdraw from the savings pot of the Two-Pot Retirement System from 1 September 2024 must be registered for tax. If a person is not registered for tax, the request for a tax directive sent from the fund to SARS will be rejected.
Taxpayers must also ensure that they have no outstanding returns and do not owe SARS. Debt owed to SARS will be deducted from the withdrawal amount.
As a rule, contributions to retirement funds are not taxed. Therefore, tax will be deducted from any amount withdrawn and tax will be calculated at the tax rate applicable to the individual. After a registered taxpayer has applied, the pension fund will apply to SARS for a tax directive.

Read more …Tax implications of withdrawing from Two-Pots

RUSTENBURG HERALD - SWARTRUGGENS - Vuyo Amos Papa (38) appeared before the Swartruggens Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, 21 August, for two counts of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and resisting arrest. He was remanded in custody until Friday, 23 August 2024, to receive assistance from legal aid. 
The accused's court appearance emanates from an incident in which he allegedly assaulted a woman and her daughter on Monday, 19 August 2024, in Swartruggens. The incident was widely circulated on social media platforms.

Read more …Repeat offender assaults mother and underage daughter