RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Antieke enjingeesdriftiges - dis nou die tipe enjins wat vroeërjare op Suid-Afrikaanse plase en trouens regoor die wêreld gebruik is om water te pomp en elektrisiteit op te wek - bied op Saterdag, 15 Februarie, hul gewilde antieke “Enjindag” by die Paul Kruger Lodge/Gastehuis op die R24 net buite Rustenburg aan.
Die Paul Kruger Lodge is skaars ‘n 100 meter duskant die baie bekende Excalibur-kasteel wanneer ‘n mens van Rustenburg in ‘n oostelike rigting op die R24 beweeg.
AfriForum sny ses hektaar gras in Rustenburg
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die AfriForumtak in Rustenburg het in Januarie die gebied skoon en netjies gemaak deur ses hektaar gras te sny.
Die tak het sy aandag toegespits op toegegroeide groen stroke en parke. Die span het die parke op die hoeke van Kerk- en Bultstraat en Kruger- en Bultstraat getakel, asook die groen strook op die hoek van Schuurmanstraat en Kloofweg. Die park agter Bobbies-rugbyklub is ook skoon gesny.
Dam levels - not bad but more rain welcome
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Judging by die levels of dams around the country, it is clear that most of our important dams could do with a lot more rain, in spite of a quite wet November/December and the festival season of late. The weekly state of dam levels in the North West Province as recorded by the Department of Water and Sanitation at the end of January 2025, are as follows:
Please assist Rustenburg SPCA with fuel to keep wheels rolling
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - During the month of January 2025, inspectors of the Rustenburg SPCA had to travel no less than 7 000 km to attend to emergencies, complaints of animal cruelty, stray or unwanted animals, neglected animals and trips to veterinarians.
These incidents have placed a heavy burden on the SPCA’s finances and the team is struggling to keep their heads above water to be able to continue its services to the community.
Please help find Pippie
The Editor,
“My miniature Doberman ran away on Monday afternoon around 13:00 in Protea Park and answers to the name Pippie. She ran up in Helen Joseph Ave towards the car wash and was seen in that vicinity.
If someone saw her or know where she is, please contact me
NG Rustenburg Moedergemeente vier 175 jaar
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die tyd het uiteindelik aangebreek en die tafels is gedek vir die fees van alle feeste wanneer die NG Rustenburg Moedergemeente eerskomende naweek van Vrydag, 24 Januarie tot Sondag, 26 Januarie, sy 175ste bestaansjaar vier.
Die gemeente nooi sy lidmate en alle belangstellendes in Rustenburg om die pad van herinneringe asook die toekomspad hierdie naweek saam met die gemeente te stap en word aangeraai om vir dié spesiale uitstappie ‘n paar pare van die regte skoene gereed te sit.
Moedergemeente se 175ste bestaansjaarvieringe ‘n feestelike hoogtepunt
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Rustenburgers en veral liefhebbers van klassieke musiek word genooi om 'n betowerende klassieke musiekaand op Vrydag, 24 Januarie, met die bekende orrelis en trompetspeler Pieter van den Berg en Braam van Tonder te geniet. Hierdie is een van talle hoogtepunte rondom die 175ste bestaansjaarvieringe van die NG Moedergemeente in Rustenburg.
Braam en Pieter speel al sedert 2006 as inwoners van die Vrystaat saam en as huidige inwoners van Pretoria bied hulle saam die program LeefJouLied op PretoriaFM aan - hierdie is 'n kerkmusiekprogram op Sondagoggende.
Ses gesinslede terug “skool” toe vir 2025!
Die uniforms is aangepas, gewas en gestryk, die hare is gesny, die tasse is gepak en die skoene is gepoets. Dié is die stand van sake in menige huise, want Woensdag, 15 Januarie is D-dag vir die 2025-skooljaar. In die huis van die Le Roux-gesin van Rustenburg is dit egter nie net die vier spreekwoordelike orrelpypies wat weer moet begin wekker stel nie, maar ook mamma Phia en pappa Eben. Die Le Rouxs is ‘n gesin wat van opvoeding ‘n lewenspraktyk en waardesisteem maak en soos Phia Jnr dit stel: “Ons ouers lei deur hulle voorbeeld.” Phia Jnr (middel agter) is hierdie jaar in graad 11 en dien op die Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad by Hoërskool Rustenburg.
Karl Krobath passes away
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - It is with regret that the Krobath family of Rustenburg announces the passing of legendary “master chef” - Karl Krobath (formerly of Karl’s Bauernstube - probably one of the most popular restaurants in the history of Rustenburg) at the age of 76 years - only a few days prior to Christmas on 11 December 2024.
This tribute to Karl was compiled by the Krobath family.
SPCA Book Sale
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The next SPCA Book Sale will be taking place on Saturday, 11 January 2025 at the Safari Gardens Shopping Centre, starting from 08:30 till 12:00.
Any donations of dog or cat food, secondhand items for the Charity shop, blankets, unwanted books etc can be put in the container at the Book Sale.
Please support the Book Sale and the Rustenburg SPCA.
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday.
Rustenburg Herald honoured as top community newspaper in NW
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The recent North West Media Awards 2024 was a resounding success, honouring the finest in the North West media industry.
Held at the Rustenburg Civic Centre on Friday, 6 December, the prestigious event brought together media practitioners, go-vernment leaders, and industry stakehol-ders to celebrate exceptional achievements in journalism and broadcasting.
South African children battle to read or do Maths
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - “The release of reports of three important measures of the quality of Basic Education in South Africa attest to the urgent need to rescue our basic education system.
These reports are from the Southern and Eastern Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SEACMEQ V), the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), as well as the South African Systemic Evaluation (SASE).