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Miranda Coetzee (26), oorspronklik van Magaliesburg, woon die laaste drie jaar in Phokeng, en moes haarself verlede week steeds knyp om seker te maak sy droom nie - voordat sy Sondag op die vliegtuig sou klim na die 2024 Olimpiese Spele in Parys, Frankryk.  Sy het gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die 400m baanitem in haar heel eerste Olimpiese ervaring op 5 Augustus. Miranda se skattige klein seuntjie, Aiden (graad 1 by Laerskool Vastrap) is sonder twyfel haar grootste bewonderaar,

Read more …Ma, bring gou nóg goues!

RUSTENBURG HERALD - NICE - Die 111de uitgawe van die Tour de France het Sondag van die afgelope naweek op 'n hoogtepunt afgesluit toe die Sloveen Tadaj Pogacar ook die laaste skof en individuele tydtoets gewen het en in die proses die eerste ryer in 25 jaar geword het om die Giro de Italia en die Tour de France in een jaar te wen. 
Die laaste ryer wat hierdie prestasie behaal het, was die legendariese Marco Pantani van Italië. 

Read more …‘Onse’ Louis behaal 20ste plek algeheel onder die room van wêreld se ryers

Baie geluk aan Hoërskool Rustenburg se boogskietspan wat ‘n eerste plek tydens die ISC-boogskiet-kompetisie by Laerskool Rustenburg die afgelope naweek behaal het. Op die foto verskyn Richard Deysel (afrigter), Nathan Marx, Jayden Fourie, Melandie Swart, Henry la Grange (afrigter), Amber-Leigh Calitz, Illeané Botha, Shaun Homan, Megan van der Westhuizen, Mardia de Beer, Danieke Esterhuysen, Rhichelle Deysel, De Wet Fourie en Monique Nel (afrigter).

Well done to Senseis Zane and Johan Scheepers

on completing their 2nd Dan (Nidan Dan) Grading from 28 to 30 June 2024.

Here with Senseis Zane and Johan is a very proud Kancho Albert Venter. 

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Sibanye-Stillwater Rugby Club made quite sure that it carried off the trophy as winners of the Neser A League by beating Klerksdorp with an impressive score of 54 - 19 in Rustenburg on Saturday. 
On top of it all they managed this feat without their Northam Rhino stars who played for the seconds and won similarly "easy" with a score of 60 - 0. 
In the process, Sibanye-Stillwater made Klerksdorp suffer with a brilliant display of running rugby.

Read more …Sibanye-Stillwater right at the top of Neser A League - now also Luiperds champions

RUSTENBURG HERALD - PRETORIA - The Springboks start their home Test season with the first of two matches against Ireland this weekend. 
Rugby aficionados will know that Ireland arrive as the Six Nations champions who are looking to take over the top spot on the World Rugby Rankings. 
Loftus Versfeld plays host to the first Test on Saturday, 6 July.

Read more …Springboks match fixtures

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Sibanye-Stillwaters’ two “famous” Pretorius brothers are their team’s favourites of the week after the pair contributed no less than 31 points from a total of 66 in an excellent victory of 66 - 10 against Matlosana (Orkney), just outside Klerksdorp on Saturday. 
Captain Jaco Pretorius’ personal tally was 21 points, which included eight goal kicks while his brother Hardus scored two magnificent tries. Sibanye-Stillwater’s star newbie, Warren Brits, was crowned Man of the Match. But Alberts was not the only new Sibanye-Stillwater player who had an excellent day on the field.

Read more …Sibanye-Stillwater bullies Matlosana by 66 - 10 - 2nd team follows suit

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Sibanye-Stillwater pushed Welkom Rovers to their limits in the two sides' clash at the former RPM rugby fields in Waterval on Saturday, but nonetheless lost by a single point. 
Welkom finished victorius with a score of 36 - 35 against a spirited Sibanye-Stillwater who put together two halves of brilliant rugby. Things have gone somewhat better for Sibanye-Stillwater's second team by beating their counterparts narrowly by 22 - 20. 

Read more …Sibanye-Stillwater narrowly loses by 1 point against Welkom Rovers

RUSTENBURG HERALD - FLORENCE - Die Suid-Afrikaanse en voormalige Rustenburgse fietsryer, Louis Meintjes - tree eerskomende Saterdag, 29 Junie, vir die sewende keer aan by die wegspringstreep van die 2024 Tour de France wat vanjaar in die skilderagtige Italiaanse dorpie Florence begin. 
Die Tour de France duur vanjaar van 29 Junie tot 21 Julie wanneer die laaste skof in nogal hoë uitsondering in Nice, Frankryk sal eindig en nie in die Franse hoofstad se Champs-Eleysée soos die afgelope 110 jaar nie. 

Read more …Mag 7 ‘n gelukkige nommer vir Meintjes wees

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - “It’s unfortunate that the municipality hasn’t been able to provide financial support in the previous few months, and the sad truth is that the SPCA is dependent on donations from the public, but it’s wonderful to see the community stepping up and taking hands to help cover expenses these past months, which include staff salaries, veterinary bills, gasoline for emergency vehicle trips, electricity purchases, and a long list of other things.” 

Read more …Chas Everitt to host enjoyable fun Golfday in support of SPCA