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Congratulations to Leilani Scheffer on securing the second position in the Women’s Senior 3000m Steeplechase event at the ASA Senior Track & Field National Championships.

Your remarkable achievement will surely be etched into the annals of history. Well done! You truly inspire the running community of Rustenburg.

Well-known former Rustenburg cyclist Louis Meintjes has made international headlines last week when he won his second World Tour Classification race by finishing first during Stage 4 of the “Tour of Basque Country”. The victory during Stage 4 followed on the heels of Louis’ victory and a second place in two consecutive King of the Mountain disciplines earlier in the race. For the Rustenburg cycling fraternity the good news is that Louis might be taking part in his umpteenth Tour de France in July this year after Louis was seriously injured and had to abandon the 2023 TDF.

Read more …Louis Meintjes in excellent form - headed for 2024 Tour de France

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Daar is sommer groot opgewondheid onder spelers en die bestuur van Sibanye Stillwater Rugbyklub en sommer met die span se eerste kragmeting in die Neser A-liga van die afgelope naweek was die oorwinning soet. 
Sibanye Stillwater Rugbyklub is in 2023 gestig en het aanvanklik in die Jaap Steyn en Neser B-liga van die Luiperds Rugbyklub meegeding. Na 'n klompie mooi vertonings is die klub na die Neser A-liga van die Luiperds Rugby-unie opgeskuif en die eerste kragmeting in dié ligareeks het vir die klub 'n uiters goeie begin verseker. 

Read more …Sibanye Stillwater klop Casmar Rustenburg Impala in sy eerste kragmeting in nuwe liga

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - On Saturday, 6 April the Rustenburg Cycling Club members participated in the Vlaklaagte Mountain Bike & Trail Race.

Congratulations to everyone who participated and who made podiums.

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Een van die grootste aandtoernooie tot nou toe is die afgelope maand suksesvol by die Rustenburg Rolbalklub aaangebied. 
Die kompetisie wat bekend staan as die Rustenburg Besigheidsliga het meer as 30 spanne die seisoen teenwoordig gehad wat beteken dat daar ongeveer 130 deelnemers op die baan in aksie was. 
Die uiters sosiale gees waarin die spel gespeel word, vind groot aanklank by deelnamers van alle geslagte en ouderdomme. 

Read more …Besigheidsliga se eerste “groot” wenners

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - At the heart of the Universal Safety Products (USP) Cup 2024 stands Bongani Khumalo, who once led the charge as captain of Bafana-Bafana. 
Today, he's not just the Director of Marketing at Universal Safety Products, he's a beacon of passion for the game of soccer, matched only by his unwavering dedication to uplifting the next generation.
UPS is embarking on a remarkable journey beyond its traditional endeavours, spearheading the empowerment of rural youth through the power of sports. It will be in the form of a thrilling tournament designed to breathe new life into school sports and unveil hidden talent in often overlooked communities.

Read more …USP Cup 2024

On 24 March the Emperors Palace Road Classic race took place.

Congratulations to the Rustenburg Cycling Club members who participated:

Siya Ditlhake (time: 2:49 - 98km – age category 40-44), Jacob Kola (time: 2:45 - 98km - age category 50-54) and Lindiwe Sidali (time: 3:18 - 98km – age category 40-44).

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The final day of the Netball World Youth Cup 2025 Africa Regional Qualifiers started off with a match between Namibia taking on Kenya for 5th/6th playoff. 
Namibia came into Saturday’s match with two wins while Kenya had one. At the end of the sixty minutes, it was Kenya who won 50 - 42 to secure fifth place position.
The second match which was 3rd/4th playoff was between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The winner of this match would also secure a spot in Gibraltar next year.

Read more …Baby Spar Proteas secure place at the Youth Championships

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Baie geluk aan die swemmers van Laerskool Vastrap wat op 8 Maart aan die Mooirivier Prestige-gala in Potchefstroom deelgeneem het.

Die seunspan was eerste en die dogters tweede. Laerskool Vastrap het 'n algehele tweede plek behaal.

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Baby SPAR Proteas started off day three of the Netball World Youth Cup 2025 Regional Qualifiers on Tuesday 19 March with a clash against Kenya and the hosts were looking to continue their winning run in this competition. 
The Baby SPAR Proteas made some personnel changes in the second half of the match with coach Precious looking to give some fresh legs a run and rest some of the players who had a run. In the end, it was South Africa who claimed all maximum points winning the match 70 -16.

Read more …Baby Spar Proteas continue on a winning streak after three matches