NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - As part of our Corporate Social Investment, the North West Provincial Office decided to provide Doornhoek Primary School in Lichtenburg with 79 pairs of shoes.
The Public Servants Association of South Africa (PSA) is a trade union for public sector workers in South Africa. We thank our ELRC Chairperson, Japhta Moati who helped us to identify this school and together with Ms Sarah Zazo (site steward) who accompanied us to the school on 24 January.
Tyd vir Goliat van Gat Pampoenfees
NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Die Cullinan Boere-unie, in samewerking met TLU SA, nooi almal uit na die opwindende 2025 Goliat van Gat Pampoenfees.
Die fees vind plaas tussen 09:00 en 15:00 op 15 Maart by die Pretoria Ou Motorklub in Silverton en beloof iets vir almal – van reuse-pampoene tot smullekker pampoengeregte.
Hierdie jaar staan verbruikers en deelnemers in die kollig met die heerlike pampoengeregkompetisie wat vir almal oop is.
Councillor does pioneer work
The Noordwester received the following kudos-letter from a resident in Coligny:
Councilor Cobus van Tonder (DA Ward 15) is going out of his way for the residents of Coligny. After the recent rain, using his own equipment, the main street was repaired - crasher and all. He does a lot of work that should be done by the municipality. He buys clamps, even fixes their tractors and so much more. “Councilor van Tonder, we want to give you a big shout-out from the residents in and around Coligny going the extra mile for us.
Festive season road accident statistics
NOORDWESTER -LICHTENBURG - Minister Barbara Creecy’s preliminary announcement with regard to fatalities and crashes was released this week. Tragically, South Africa witnessed 1 502 deaths resulting from 1 234 fatal crashes during the 2024/25 festive season.
Creecy said that our country has a long way to go to reduce the carnage on our roads. As if the news reports of terrible crashes and the resultant deaths and injuries day-in and day-out over the festive season were not enough, the statistics released tell that South African road users continue to disobey the traffic laws with no regard for human life. This has tragic consequences.
Lichtenburg man accused of financing terrorist activities
NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - The Lichtenburg Magistrate’s Court has postponed the case against a 35-year-old man, Ziyahd Hoorzook, accused of terror financing, to 15 January, for a further bail hearing.
Hoorzook faces multiple charges under the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act 33 of 2004 (POCDATARA), including six alternative counts for contravening Section 4(1)(f)(ii) of the Act.